I'm about halfway through this book by Anne Lamott. It has been challenging. I find myself cringing a lot: cringing at some of the things Anne says, then cringing at my own reaction to it, if that make sense. Discerning truth from error while not judging someone is difficult - it takes wisdom, and lot more of it than I presently have.
Anyway, Anne's book has been good for me to read, despite our differing views on just about everything. She's a gifted writer and at certain points I believe she is being totally transparent and honest.
Still, much of it appears false and contrived, as if she's taken on the mantle of "Christian" only to drop an f-bomb so she can seem hip in comparison to stodgy-types who wouldn't use "such language". It has the vibe of someone who claims to be something so they can disavow it to impress others - like the Dixie Chicks lead singer "apologizing" for America's Texan president to an audience in England. "Yeah, I'm a Christian, but I'm not like *those* Christians....".
Again, I haven't finished the book and can't judge Anne's heart (nor should I). I'm just commenting on my impressions thus far.
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