Friday, January 30, 2009

Couldn't have said it better myself

The link is to an excellent flickr post. I don't think the author is anti-Obama, but he is pro free-thought.

I want to say that I am truly happy that America can elect the son of an immigrant to be President. And a black immigrant no less. Prejudice has been a blight on mankind and on this nation, and I am hopeful that Obama's election marks a true milestone in the healing of racial divides in this country.

And I am praying for our new President. Literally. But I'm also a bit fearful.

Fearful of the blindly fervent support Obama has received and the free pass he's been given by the press.

Fearful that just as in the days following September 11, when we allowed our leaders to rush through the Patriot Act, which had far reaching implications on our political rights - and was subject to little to no debate - we are allowing our leaders to rush through an 'economic stimulus' package that will have far reaching implications on our economic rights.

Fearful that the citizens of America literally see Obama as a savior and as such are unwilling to think critically about his policies.

Fearful that we as a people are so addicted to personal comfort and retaining a sense of "security" - physical, emotional, financial - at all costs that we're willing to believe whatever lies we're fed as long as they contain the promise of security and comfort.

Fearful that we are so divorced from virtue as a concept that pleasure is our only modis operandi; that we have become little more than animals seeking instant gratification of our base impulses.