Saturday, March 25, 2017

Paging Dr. Moreau

There's​ absolutely no way this isn't abused in the future.  The concern is not with the advancement or research and and knowledge, per se, but with the dissolution of absolute moral boundaries that is continuing in parallel.  We are increasingly a world where "might makes right", and in which the only constraint on our action is the imposed will of others.

This combination does not bode well for the reduced suffering and increased flourishing of humanity.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I really like this song...

Oh great mammon of form and function
Careless consumerist consumption
Dangerous dysfunction
Described as expensive taste

I’m a people disgraced
By what I claim I need
And what I want to waste
I take no account for nothing
If it’s not mine

It’s a misappropriation of funds
Protect my ninety percent with my guns
Whose side am I on?
Well who’s winning?

My kingdom’s built with the blood of slaves
Orphans, widows, and homeless graves
I sold their souls just to build my private mansion

Some people say that my time is coming
Kingdom come is the justice running
Down, down, down on me

I’m a poor child, I’m a lost son
I refuse to give my love to anyone
Fight for the truth
Or help the weaker ones
Because I love my Babylon

I am a slave, I was never free
I betrayed you for blood money
Oh I bought the world, all is vanity
Oh my Lord I’m your enemy

Come to me, and find your life
Children sing, Zion’s in sight

I said don’t trade your name for a serial number
Priceless lives were born from under graves
Where I found you

Say, my name ain’t yours and yours is not mine
Mine is the Lord, and yours is my child
That’s how it’s always been

Time to make a change
Leave your home
Give to the poor all that you own
Lose your life, so that you could find it

First will be last when the true world comes
Livin’ like a humble fool to overcome
The upside-down wisdom
Of a dying world

Zion’s not built with hands
And in this place God will dwell with man
Sick be healed and cripples stand
Sing Allelu

My kingdom’s built with the blood of my son
Selfless sacrifice for everyone
Faith, hope, love, and harmony

I said let this world know me by your love
By your love

Oh my child, daughters and sons
I made you in love to overcome
Free as a bird, my flowers in the sun
On your way to Mount Zion

All you slaves, be set free
Come on out child and come on home to me
We will dance, we will rejoice
If you can hear me then follow my voice

-Josh Garrels

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

They're reporting from the wrong angle...

The real story is the effect this will have on those "in the system".  Social workers, fearing potential criminal liability will undoubtedly opt to break up families more quickly and otherwise err on the side of protecting themselves. 

If these individuals actually falsified records or otherwise lied to protect the murderous parents, then the social workers should be prosecuted.  What this may be, however, is prosecutorial and judicial overreach and Monday morning quarterbacking. 

Regardless, faced with the choice between potential criminal prosecution at the hands of District Attorneys with near limitless resources and civil suits from resourceless parents at or below the poverty line, many social workers will understandably act to protect themselves from the former knowing the latter just isn't going to happen...

Monday, March 20, 2017

Troubling on Two Fronts

1) The Alt-Right is the logical result of extracting Judeo-Christian virtues from conservativism.

2) The strengthening "we know what those words really mean, and they are not acceptable and must be silenced" movement on the Left is particularly disturbing.  This is also the logical result of the Left's ascendancy in cultural, social,  media, and intellectual circles; Free Speech is always viewed as a problem by those in power.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Easier Grasped than Embodied

"..the golden mean between prudery and discipline."

- Graeme Hunter

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

The Deep State

Looking past the smoke billowing from the Right and Left, it would seem the real cause for alarm is the fact that our intelligence agencies can, and do, falsify forensic evidence.  This should be what shakes every American (and beyond) to the core: unelected - unknown even - members of the government can, without an iota of legitimate oversight, fabricate evidence that could be used to threaten, abuse, or even imprison an innocent person. 

Mix in "well-intentioned" motives such as "defending freedom by making sure that senator doesn't scuttle this defense bill" or "helping the poor by making sure the Speaker of the House helps benefit program X get expanded", and...

It feels like the Left and Right are Liberty's ungrateful children, arguing over her estate at her hospital bedside, ignoring the implorations of the doctors to start treatment, while the the monitor starts to flatline in the background.